
No facepic no reply

Have a facepic before you say hi

Headlines/descriptions like these are commonly found in Grindr profiles.

I can totally understand nobody wants to befriend (or have sex) with anyone with a look they don't like, but I'm still not putting up my face pic. At first, it was merely because I don't want anyone in this small Town to be able to identify me as gay when I go out to shop for groceries. But recently I have come to realize that it doesn't really matter to me anymore.

Yet there's still another reason I don't put on a face pic. It's because I'm not entirely confident with how I look. While I don't consider myself to be bad looking, I'm just terribly un-photogenic. I never get along well with camera - for whatever reason! So I don't really have a decent photo to be my profile pic.

Well maybe when I'm finally more confident with my look in photos, then I will be putting my facepic. =)

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