I have not been getting along well with my work lately. I have been having the thought of changing a job for some time already. And some crazy options came into my mind and I have dismissed them already.
And when I sit down to rethink again of what I should do if not those crazy options. Furthering my studies came into my mind. Studying maybe a good change of environment for me. There may be challenges to make myself to go back to school but I think I really need some change in my life.
Told my family about plan to take up MSc. Surprisingly they supported me, unlike how it was when I decided to get into my current job.
As for my Dear, he 'sticks' to me a lot. Really a lot. He has to Whatsapp me every few hours to curb his feeling of missing me. He probably gets the most impact from this decision of mine. Going for master's means we will be apart for about two years. While I think I can live with that - with all the technologies we have now e.g. Whatsapp, Facebook, Skype etc., plus I will come back every few months - Dear will definitely miss me a lot considering how 'sticky' he is now. But he is very understanding to support my decision.